We are delighted to have you as our customer and would like to say THANK YOU for being a part of our family! We appreciate your business and promise to continue to provide you with the quality of service you have come to associate with Lions Landscaping. We have several options available to you to make the payment process even more convenient!


Fill out this form and complete your payment process with just a few clicks.

*5% processing fee

Invoice #


Over 80 of our customers are already utilizing the Venmo App. It’s EASY, SAFE and CHEAP. You will need to install the Venmo App in your Smart Phone and create an account. Once you have created an account locate us by typing Lions Lawncare into your search bar. From there you are just a button click away!

Username on Venmo: @Lions-lawncare1


Pay directly to: (225) 221-1590

Send Check

Made Payable to:
Lion’s Lawncare Landscape, LLC

Send to:
430 S. Stevendale Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70819

By Phone

Call us directly at: (225) 221-1590

*5% processing fee